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Bosowa Beton addresses coal combustion emissions from cement industries by incorporating Fly Ash, a by-product from power plants, into concrete mixtures. Using up to 40% Fly Ash in concrete helps reduce air emissions and produces high-quality products.

RS Primaya Makassar manages liquid medical waste using a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and processes solid medical waste with an incinerator, operating at high temperatures outside Makassar to ensure proper disposal.

Menara Bosowa implements energy-saving practices during office breaks, from 12:00 to 13:00 WITA and after office hours, from 16:00 until the end of operations. Energy-saving measures include turning off central air conditioning and monitoring unused lighting, contributing to reduced energy consumption.

Bantimurung Indah mitigates odors from seaweed waste by planting trees and using chemical mixtures. These measures help reduce unpleasant odors affecting the surrounding area of the factory.

Universitas Bosowa, in collaboration with Bosowa Peduli, has launched the Makassar Memilah Sampah (MMS) initiative. This program aims to encourage the community to categorize waste by type and educate them on proper waste management.

The Bosowa Sustainable Project encompasses two key initiatives: Makassar Memilah Sampah (MMS) and Sekolah Sampah. These programs educate the public on environmental care and aim to reduce waste while generating economic value. Organic waste is converted into compost using biopori holes and composters, while non-organic waste can be sold through the MallSampah app based on type.

Bosowa contributes to preserving green spaces in Makassar by providing facilities for growing flowers, vegetables, and other varieties. This activity is regularly carried out by all Bosowa business units, especially during significant events.